[name=Olivia J] [description=I am not your average beauty blogger. Blogging since 2009. Editor of The Unknown Beauty Blog -- Read by the Intelligent! Uncredited, copied, and Plagiarized by the Idiots!] [img=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-lQjJcRIw170/V1OXLv8leSI/AAAAAAAAeLE/6w7gg1uTmFEATqiSoBsIJ8_FH45ZUM84QCCo/s500/Olivia%25252520Denim.jpg]


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Graftobian Neutralizers: Yellow Hi-Lite and Pink Hi-Lite

Graftobian Neutralizers ($8.99USD) are not concealers but neutralizers.  They are used in conjunction with concealers.  Sometimes, a discoloration cannot be covered up by concealer alone; it has to be neutralized.  Yellow neutralizes redness while pink neutralizes gray/brown.   The texture of these are very smooth and color is pigmented, a little goes a long way.  After application if you see the color of the neutralizer on your skin, you have applied too much.  It should just brighten and neutralize the area you apply to.

Graftobian Yellow Hi-Lite and Pink Hi-Lite

You may think your concealer is enough.  If you find it enough, then that is fine but sometimes it is when you apply makeup you notice that slight change.  Maybe, the eyeshadow or blush doesn't pull its true color or it oxidizes too quickly.  Sometimes, neutralizing that area helps bring out the true colors.

Here, my mom has volunteered.  As you can see in the first picture (from left to right), she has redness on the bottom and brown on the lid.  She has a problem with browns pulling too warm after some hours of wear which generally means it oxidized because of the oils in her skin and her skin tone.  To counteract that problem, pink is applied on the top lid while yellow is applied around the bottom eye area to neutralize the redness.

In the final pictures below, on the left concealer has been applied on top of the neutralizers and on the right a simple eye makeup look.

Remember, these neutralizers can be used anywhere on the face.  If you have brown spots or discoloration on your cheeks then use the pink.  Redness around the nose or cheeks, use the yellow then follow with your concealer or foundation.

If you find your concealer not doing its job of concealing, it could be just a need for a neutralizer. 

Read by the Intelligent! Uncredited, copied, and plagiarized by the idiots!
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