[name=Olivia J] [description=I am not your average beauty blogger. Blogging since 2009. Editor of The Unknown Beauty Blog -- Read by the Intelligent! Uncredited, copied, and Plagiarized by the Idiots!] [img=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-lQjJcRIw170/V1OXLv8leSI/AAAAAAAAeLE/6w7gg1uTmFEATqiSoBsIJ8_FH45ZUM84QCCo/s500/Olivia%25252520Denim.jpg]


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The Philosophy of Highlighting and Contouring

Actually, this is really more of the philosophy of makeup or what I call the Zen of Makeup.  A post that will make you think or see what you apply on your face differently.  Makeup may be just a bunch of color applied to a face to create a decent (I use the term decent very loosely) transformation.  We think of each part of the face separately; brows, eyes, cheeks, lips.  But why would you do that when the entire face is your blank canvas and not the parts?

I am not posting any pictures for this because I want you to envision this in your mind's eye. 

I am not a fan of major highlighting and contouring.  Okay, let me rephrase that, I am not a fan of the majority of methods I SEE on the web because in real life without the diffusing app and good lighting, the makeup looks like a caked on mess.

Highlighting, Shaping, Contouring

I have covered this topic before.  All three of these are different techniques to me.  Some will lump together shaping and contouring.  With HD in mind, these are two completely different meanings.

Highlighting - This is when you want to emphasize or give a certain area of the face a rounded appearance, in some cases it could be plumpness like making an young face look even younger or child-like.  In real life, you want to add a soft glow to differentiate different planes on the face.

Personally, I like highlighting the most if done within reason.  Nothing wrong with adding some luminosity to a dull complexion.

Shaping - This is to give your face dimension and warmth.  If you use just one color of foundation, your face will look pretty washed out.  People will compensate this with some sharp contrast with color cosmetics which is fine if you are into that look.  However, for those who like to look natural or look like themselves but better, shaping the face helps.

This is usually done with a bronzer or in some cases a darker foundation.  This is to differentiate the different planes of your face or give depth to it.

Contouring - This is a danger zone.  Contouring is really creating a shadow on the face and it is done with a color specifically designed to do this which is an ash based brown.  I see too many people use this color like a bronzer.  It isn't pretty.

Long ago, ash or taupe browns were used in theater to age the face; to make the face look gaunt.  In the HD world, this color should be used sparingly like a bit under the cheekbone and to define the nose if needed.

The Philosophy

Think of these three techniques and think of your entire face as a blank canvas.  Remember Bob Ross and how hypnotic his painting technique was?  How everything just blended so perfectly together to make this beautiful landscape.  Well, isn't that how makeup should be?

If you think about it, these three makeup techniques should give the face cohesiveness, proportionality, symmetry,  and naturalness.  All of this to prep the face for just an accessory of color.  Yes, color is an accessory!

When you think of parts of your face from eyes, nose, cheeks, and mouth separately, you will most likely forget the balance of it.  Every face is created to be you and uniquely balanced just for you!  That is beauty and beautiful!

Your face is three dimensional and seen from many angles, not just a picture-perfect front look.  You have the sides of your face too and your jaw and neck.  All these have to look balanced with the front yet still look proportional, symmetrical, and natural.  Get it?

What Makeup Really Is

So, what is makeup?  To me, makeup is enhancing the perfection given to each individual.  It is to create the face into a well-balanced prepped canvas, never thinking of the eyes, nose, cheeks, and mouth as separate sections until the accessory of color.  Once this is done with the basics products, then the face just needs that smidgen of color products!

Where Does the Makeup Yoda Lie?

I am probably sounding more nonsensical now but try not to think too hard in terms of color, just close your eyes and envision your face.  Makeup needs to add dimension to your face, yet it has to look natural enough to make it look like you.  But where is the guide to help you find the balance, proportion, cohesiveness, and naturalness from all sides of your face?

I think your nose knows!!!


Read by the Intelligent! Uncredited, copied, and plagiarized by the idiots!
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