[name=Olivia J] [description=I am not your average beauty blogger. Blogging since 2009. Editor of The Unknown Beauty Blog -- Read by the Intelligent! Uncredited, copied, and Plagiarized by the Idiots!] [img=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-lQjJcRIw170/V1OXLv8leSI/AAAAAAAAeLE/6w7gg1uTmFEATqiSoBsIJ8_FH45ZUM84QCCo/s500/Olivia%25252520Denim.jpg]


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How Social Media Has Changed My Beauty Buying Habits

Update: I stick to pro brand products. No bullshit to deal with!!!

I have become cynical when it comes to beauty products promoted on social media outlets. In fact, I rarely pay attention to Instagram because usually everything is an advert and affiliate links. When it comes to YouTube and Beauty Blogging influencers, I have take things with a grain of salt.

And, I probably sound like a hypocrite.  I have to finance buy the majority of my own products to review for this blog.  At times I do receive the ever rare PR sample to review and to tempt not only you but myself into buying another one to hoard save. In true summary, let's just say PR samples are for shilling and when one is a Z-List beauty blogger with very little to no influence at all and credibility doesn't mean Jack-and-Jill shit to brands, one becomes the consumer (which is how I try to review a PR sample and not as a beauty blogger).

To be a consumer, I have become numb ignored the same hype playing on social media like a broken record. (I used a very old analogy!) I also have to change my shopping habits when it comes to buying beauty products.  I have to pay BELOW the given retail price.

Why?  Because the next products to shill will be arriving in stores and there isn't enough space for them on the shelves.  Shelf-space is expensive! When brands have products which don't sell or just too old to keep, they have to move out.  

My favorite place to shop for makeup has become Marshall's or TJMaxx (TKMaxx for you over the Atlantic).  I shop mostly at Marshall's because it is located next to a Home Goods store. Now, you know that is convenience!

The picture above just shows some of the makeup I have bought through my visits to the store. For those of you who have shopped there (and who hasn't?) makeup items are a hit or miss when it comes to availability.  Although, my Marshall's is pretty well arranged in terms of makeup type, the products can become messy due to people opening and smudging products to test.  I usually look for non-smudged and sealed products.

Anastasia Contour Palette in medium - In the pictures you see the fingerprint smudges.  That is me.  The product came new and sealed.  As usual, shopping at Marshall's is either a lot of one color or just a few.  In this case, there was only one shade in medium and just a bunch of them in dark.  I bought this for $19.99.  I honestly do not know the retail price of this.  What I do know is even with a pro discount (if I had one) I couldn't buy it for this price.

Here is my review: better than any drugstore line but not as pigmented as Ben Nye, Kryolan, or RCMA. Not Made in the USA like the pro brands.  Made in PRC.(People's Republic of China)

Elizabeth Arden Lip Gloss Trio - I bought this because I threw away my old lipglosses which probably had amoebae swimming in them.  This set could be from the duty free shop or there could have been a set sold like this.  I don't know, I am not up-to-date with the latest and greatest of beauty gifts and sets.  This cost me $9.99.  I couldn't even buy a single drugstore brand lip gloss for that price, let alone 3!

MAC Prep + Prime Finishing Powder - I haven't been to MAC since...Really, I don't know when the last time was.  This cost either $16.99 or $19.99.  I don't have the box. I know it was cheaper than retail.  A good transparent finishing powder that buffs in easily.

Kat Von D Blush and Make Up For Ever Aqua Shadow Pencils - Whenever a brand starts to repackage a product, it means two things: The new style will contain less and the old style will go on sale or to some outlet.  KVD only cost $5.99 and the MUFE pencils cost $6.99.  A professional MUA discount wouldn't even give you these prices!

Disposable Mascara Wands in various shapes $2.99 - I know I could have bought a bag of disposables somewhere cheaper but I only need a few.  Not only are these great for mascara, they make great cleaning brushes for hummingbird feeders!

These are some of the beauty products I have bought below the retail price.  I am sure there will be more brands showing up at Marshall's and TJMaxx.  After all, Creme de La Mer is now sold at Sephora and the store always has an excess to get rid of due to space.  I wouldn't be surprised to see CdLM soon. I have already seen Bobbi Brown products.

What are the disadvantages to buying my makeup at an outlet store?  I don't get special attention from a sales assistant (but I get all the time in the world to grab stuff on my own and be in my own makeup world).  I won't receive that special gift-with-purchase when I spend a certain amount. I won't receive a special little makeup goody on my birthday. All these special gifts which are calculated in the retail price of a product.

Social Media may promote beauty products and tempt you in many ways everyday. But let's remember, most of the products are just for exposure and a fast sell with no real substance behind them.  Are you willing to pay retail price to support that influencer through their affiliate links? The products aren't magical.  If they were, they wouldn't end up in the dumpster!!!

Have you found any great beauty buys lately?  What are your thoughts on beauty spending?

Read by the Intelligent! Uncredited, copied, and plagiarized by the idiots!
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