[name=Olivia J] [description=I am not your average beauty blogger. Blogging since 2009. Editor of The Unknown Beauty Blog -- Read by the Intelligent! Uncredited, copied, and Plagiarized by the Idiots!] [img=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-lQjJcRIw170/V1OXLv8leSI/AAAAAAAAeLE/6w7gg1uTmFEATqiSoBsIJ8_FH45ZUM84QCCo/s500/Olivia%25252520Denim.jpg]


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Resurrecting Beauty Blogging

If you are reading this post, then you are subscribed to my feed. I am no longer on any social media sites and that includes Pinterest. I just had it with self-promotion. It was a useless action on my part or maybe it was more karmic or even comically stupid to self-promote.

I will admit I have missed writing about beauty or ways to think about beauty. You know, see application from a different perspective, more analyzed and calculated like origami. To elevate the plane of the face so makeup can look more symmetrical; all that wonderful and analytical stuff. Yes, I know, my makeup mind is weird but that is how those Definitive Guides came about.

The posts were made to allow people to think and see beauty differently, to go beyond how everyone just paints loud colors. Everyone should understand how colors work and how it enhances their own inner beauty because that is true beauty.

My boring posts My definitive guides have prevented me from deleting my blog altogether. They get the most hits so far even in the death state of this blog. The other popular posts are with Olivia Sr. This tells me beauty is still important to the wise and wonderful. Yet, is this enough to convince me for resurrection?

Well, in its death state came frustration. I was sick and tired of filing DMCAs thanks to those idiots who think a blog is everyone’s property. I had to do as much as I could to prevent my blog from being scraped. This meant no right-clicks. There are some that still use my posts and pictures as news aggregators. I really don’t understand why they do this because google ads won’t pay them anymore.

I thought all would be good. But there were other frustrations.

I didn’t look up certain posts in google search for ages because, I am being totally honest, I was crushed and hurt. People think I have thick skin but when it comes to beauty, my chances in it have been thwarted so many times. It seems like I am paying for bad beauty luck in some karmic way in this lifetime, and I don’t know why.

(Here is the url: I refuse to embed a link. https://stylecaster.com/beauty/how-to-depot-eyeshadow ) Stylecaster likes to pick young beauties. I know because I am an old lady and why would the young want to pay attention to the wise? I contacted them about a certain depotting without heat post (this post has turned into one of my most regrettable post ever written and I live with that feeling everyday). I wrote to them and you can see I never said anything mean, but I stated the points. You can read the email below.

Well, you can guess what happened. They DON’T GIVE A SHIT!!

I wasn’t surprised, but I was disappointed because it showed me blogging or WRITING is worthless in the beauty world. Yet, it doesn’t make sense to me completely because it is like saying, why read the book when you can watch the movie, right? Still movies do give credit if it is based on a book. I also suggested a video since I don’t have one. The one I suggested was created by a very nice vlogger who has a small audience and has a level head on her shoulders; she gives me credit by providing a link from her video. I found that proper etiquette and I don’t mind if Allison got the attention because she deserves some. BUT Stylecaster could care less because they want the narcissistic influencer instead.

"it showed me blogging or WRITING is worthless in the beauty world"

I find it ironic that they wouldn’t even give me a chance because I WRITE about beauty and they expect people to READ their written posts!!!! You know, if I took one of their posts and used them for one of mine, they probably would be PISSED!!! Morality in blogging, or maybe beauty is just FUCKED UP!!!

Entire Stylecaster Email

Okay, I know you guys were sick of reading about that, but THAT is the post that changed how I blogged and what I wrote about. Originality or what I think are my thoughts are sometimes detrimental to write because they will NEVER get credit in a realm built with bitchiness and drama. Why can’t I just get some niceness my way?

This one is about the RCMA Visual Guide.

THAT POST TOOK ME TWO MONTHS to write and set up. The colors drove ME NUTS!!! I couldn’t look at anymore beige-ness for ages after that!! So, I was surprised when I received an email from a beauty retailer.

First, my name is spelled wrong. They want to redo it after I spent 2 months myself. They will only give me a mention, a link which can be taken away anytime when they remodel their website. Promises like that don't last because it happened to me on a post on another website. (Obviously I was too old and not influential enough. Sorry, I don't brown nose!!!)

In my gut, I knew the answer was not to allow them, but I had to confide in someone who had expertise in this area who was Jane from British Beauty Blogger. This is what she said and for all of you who have a blog no matter if it is beauty or not, you should know your rights!!!!

"No! No they can't have it - they can do their own damn work and furthermore please stress that your work is copyright to you and cannot be copied/modified or used as free filler because they do t[sic] want to do the right thing and pay for it."
                     --- Jane Cunningham, British Beauty Blogger

Actual Excerpt of Email from Jane Cunningham

And, you can see what I told them. I found the entire situation just plain stupid because a fucking link could be embedded via some review of the product!😉️😉️ (maquillageobscura dot blogspot dot com!!!) Not even a compensation of some products (which I would have said no to because, then, I would have sold my publishing rights). But you get the picture, I GET NOTHING for writing something that is actually important to a retailer!!! Ironically, this is the same place I applied for my one-and-only affiliate link which I wasn't qualified to get!

Again, this makes writing feel as though it is worthless and free, and only Instagrammers and YouTubers are worth compensating.  I no longer shop at that website anymore. 

Entire RCMA Post Email

Message header as proof it was really THAT store.

Some of you may have noticed this post:

I was ready to post it. I just chickened out. It is worthless to put my heart and soul into an original post when the beauty society cult lives off of bitchiness, drama, and just plain junk products. I am not willing to get as hurt as I am now with these these “journalistic” beauty sites who revere these narcissistic influencers over the actual originator of a post. I have had it!!! I am old and I have lived through my bitchy teenage years ages ago, I want to go into my twilight years with love and happiness. The Beauty sector doesn’t do that anymore, it feels like it is punishing me for being respectful, quiet, and a bit intelligent (I am not a rocket scientist). The chance of resurrection is slim. I would rather get paid for what I have written and want to write.

I have given this blog my all and all I really get is shit back. If you feel differently, then maybe you could bombard Stylecaster with some emails to change their post because I can't. I am not an influencer nor I am young enough and my posts are just worthless drivel anyway!


Read by the Intelligent! Uncredited, copied, and plagiarized by the idiots!
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