I find the illusion of hair best when it is captured in a photograph. In real life, the lighting and styling is completely different as we all know. However, just gazing at that one photo for hours (am I the only one who does this?), I like to see the beauty of how hair can be manipulated with scissors, razor, and texturizing shears.
I have learned through mistakes and observation that hair has this beautiful flow. It isn’t just straight downward or just the side is the side and front is the front.
Knowing how hair falls can really make a big difference in styling and cutting.
In my last post, I mentioned the importance of partings (for a haircut). Now, check out how the flow of the hair from those partings fall.
The nape of the neck is the area where it curves. The even though the hair is the back part, it will fall forward.
The side does move all around, but the basic flow does go straight down.
The area below the occipital bone (bump of the head) is the relatively the same as the nape of the neck.
The area right above the occipital bone and to the side is what I call the pie. (Just something I like to call it.) This will fall downward and forward.
The area next to the pie or the back of the head flows downward in the back.
The top back of the hair is important because it really falls forward. The front or the fringe (bangs) fall forward and downward at a slight angle.
The top front falls at an angle on the sides and forward.
Do you see your hair in a different way? I have ever since I analyzed this.
Next post, constructing (or deconstructing) a haircut.
Again, thanks for allowing me to empty my brain.
*Disclosure: I don't claim to be some great hair guru. I just like to explain difficult beauty stuff.*