[name=Olivia J] [description=I am not your average beauty blogger. Blogging since 2009. Editor of The Unknown Beauty Blog -- Read by the Intelligent! Uncredited, copied, and Plagiarized by the Idiots!] [img=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-lQjJcRIw170/V1OXLv8leSI/AAAAAAAAeLE/6w7gg1uTmFEATqiSoBsIJ8_FH45ZUM84QCCo/s500/Olivia%25252520Denim.jpg]


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What Should Not Have Been Discontinued - Sue Devitt Cosmetics

There are some makeup lines which deserved a great presence in the makeup field.  Take for example Sue Devitt Cosmetics.  Sue Devitt is an Australian makeup artist who got her start with Francois Nars.  Later, she created her own full line of very wearable colors named after exotic locales around the world.

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Sue Devitt's makeup line is probably well-known for its mature friendly eye pencils.  They are known to apply color smoothly on wrinkled lids because of the high pigment content with the perfect mix of silicone, wax, and nylon-12.

I tried some of her products when she first started out with those somewhat ugly brown packaging.  The prices were comparable to NARS but had a creamier texture.  I didn't buy much the first time around.  Then, she redesigned her packaging and it looked more feminine and chic.  Even then, I didn't buy much because the entire line wasn't readily available in my area.  Then, it came to a nearby ULTA and too late.  It was going on clearance and the pickings were slim.

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Okay, so it has been a couple of years and there is ebay.  I bought a couple of eyeshadows, a blush, and a face powder.  Now, you can call me a hypocrite for buying an old but unused makeup on ebay.  After all the efficacy of the preservatives and the ingredients are questionable, but that is the risk I take.

The eyeshadows are the average small size pan.  Since they are a bit aged, I had to take a sponge and just wipe of the "crust" of the eyeshadow.  Sometimes, makeup has that hardened layer which makes it difficult for brushes to pick up color.  The colors I chose are a modified Fab Four.

The Eyeshadows


These three eyeshadows take the place of the "ivory" of the Fab Four.
  • Dream Time Legend - A matte ivory with just a slight undertone of pink.  
  • Esna - Shimmery ivory gold
  • Cap Ferrat - Metallic Light Beige

Taupe & Brown

These three colors are my taupe and browns.
  • Lonely Splendor - A cool toned shimmer taupe.  Leans a bit towards the gray (but not too much).
  • Burma - A gold flecked shimmer medium brown.  All around nice neutral.
  • Ancestral Journey - A completely matte reddish brown.  A bit too warm for my tastes.  I use this to mix with other browns or grays that I find too ashy.

Pink instead of Peach

Instead of the usual "peach", I went for the warm side of a cool toned color.
  • Madrid - A soft sandy rose/lavender shimmer.

The Blushes


For blush I chose a pink one - Vanuatu.  Here I compare it to Los Angeles blush which I bought a couple of years back.  Vanuatu is the shimmery sister to Los Angeles.  Both are pink but Vanuatu tends to be softer and sheer because of the shimmer.  Blushes are the size of the average sized large pan.

The Powder

I never tried Sue Devitt face powder and I have heard major raves about it when her line was existence.  Now, I know why.  The texture is very fine and applies onto the skin like powdery butter.  Does that make sense?  It just seems to melt onto the skin to create translucent coverage.  The color you see above is Tanami.  I believe this is the second to the lightest color.  Works out just right for me.  If you do buy this on ebay, be aware there are two sizes: 0.25 oz and a 0.89 oz.  Sometimes the small size is priced the same as the big size!

What I found sad about the discontinuation of Sue Devitt is the quality of her products.  Her line ceased in 2013 and that is not too long ago.  Her products were either made in the USA or Canada until the very end with her baked products which were made in China.  I think towards the end, and I hope this is what she thought, she knew that her manufacturing would eventually be outsourced, leaving quality behind.

Think about it, between 2013 and now, many of the cosmetic brands and the new ones have been made in a very foreign land.  Finding USA or Canadian made cosmetics is becoming very rare.

If you don't remember what quality in makeup was like before all this "fast makeup", check out Sue Devitt on ebay.

And if you are wondering what the eyeshadows look like on the eyes, Olivia Sr. used them in this post: Artis Fluenta Brush Review by a 70+ Year Old Makeup Junkie.


Read by the Intelligent! Uncredited, copied, and plagiarized by the idiots!
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